If it involves some kind of fibre chances are I've at least tried it. This blog follows my adventures in sewing, dying, weaving, spinning, knitting and the rest. The best way to learn is by doing, well actually from learning from other peoples' mistakes, but when that isn't available...
Please, learn from my escapades!

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Upcoming Pennsic rush

As per usual I have a pile of Pennsic sewing to do in a short period of time.  We'll see how many commissions actually come through.  I just finished working out details with an online customer and I'll be delivering that one at Pennsic so save on shipping and time (and my sanity).  There are people that have told me they want stuff for Pennsic but I haven't received specifics for them.  It could be a pretty comfy Pennsic if it all comes through, but pretty hectic pre-Pennsic.  I started prepping for the pile of sewing I do have already to get that out of the way, and of course I'm working on the bridesmaid dress.  The bodice is together with the lining and surprise, surprise I need to tweak it again.  I did find the shoes and belt to go with the outfit today.  Good.  I hate shopping for shoes. :-P

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