If it involves some kind of fibre chances are I've at least tried it. This blog follows my adventures in sewing, dying, weaving, spinning, knitting and the rest. The best way to learn is by doing, well actually from learning from other peoples' mistakes, but when that isn't available...
Please, learn from my escapades!

Thursday 20 October 2011


So in  my travels I found that the local library has Collingwood's "The techniques of Sprang".  I began taking notes and it really helped me to get a clear image of technique.  A friend of mine showed interest in learning so I began trying to research more in depth to help her (and let's be honest I can let a fiber art alone to save me).

A year or two ago I took a class on basic sprang and another on circular warp sprang.  On the left is part of my circular warp from the class.  I still need to reach that part in the book to see what it can add to my understanding.  On the right is my playing with double intertwining at the top with single intertwining near the bottom.  It doesn't look much different when relaxed.  The difference shows when it's stretched making a hexagon as opposed to a diamond shape.  I think it would make a nice hair net.

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