If it involves some kind of fibre chances are I've at least tried it. This blog follows my adventures in sewing, dying, weaving, spinning, knitting and the rest. The best way to learn is by doing, well actually from learning from other peoples' mistakes, but when that isn't available...
Please, learn from my escapades!

Tuesday 21 August 2012

the warp weighted loom

I'm finally setting up to weave on my warp-weighted loom once again.  We have a demo/event weekend coming up and I said I'd bring it.  It was a wonderful draw to the public when I brought it to an art show that our medieval group was demonstrating at and it gives me that little push to get going.
The last project was a broken diamond twill which is complicated and time consuming even by WWLoom standards.  This time I'm doing a check pattern in a basic tabby.  It'll be simpler to weave but flashier in colour.  Great for public display.

Eventhough I'd seen the trend of no tablet woven starter band during the medieval ages I find it's the best for spacing and my persona is 7th century Irish Celt so I have no proof either way if a WWLoom was used let alone a starter band, so what the heck.

I'm trying to decide how much I want to do ahead of time.  I really need to go through my notes so I can set up a talk during the weekend.  A combination of function and history I think will work best to keep attention of the public and our members.

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