If it involves some kind of fibre chances are I've at least tried it. This blog follows my adventures in sewing, dying, weaving, spinning, knitting and the rest. The best way to learn is by doing, well actually from learning from other peoples' mistakes, but when that isn't available...
Please, learn from my escapades!

Friday 13 May 2011

this year's garden

This year I'm focusing a bit more on the garden.  Giving it some more structure you might say.  I'm still going to have "the three sisters" (that's beans, corn and squash), tomatoes, lettuce, kale, leeks, brussel sprouts, hot peppers, strawberries and a bunch of herbs.  I'm blocking out the gardens with bricks and plan to lay down some pea gravel on the pathways to reduce mud and weeds.  Sheet mulching is my friend, and free newspapers for me to do it make even more friends ;-)  I may put some amaranth again because it was so pretty at the back fence but it didn't yield as much as I had hoped.  I'd need a field of it to feed me for more than a couple of meals, darn it.  Same with the quinoa
Now that's the back garden.  My flowers are slowly expanding.  The Echinacea came back nicely and I should be getting some daisies from my mom, herbs from Diane, and peppermint from David.  Now if I can just get the water collection system up and running.  Why do most things have to cost money?  No fair :-P

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