If it involves some kind of fibre chances are I've at least tried it. This blog follows my adventures in sewing, dying, weaving, spinning, knitting and the rest. The best way to learn is by doing, well actually from learning from other peoples' mistakes, but when that isn't available...
Please, learn from my escapades!

Wednesday 16 November 2011

holiday knitting

So since I don't have enough projects at this time of year my boss asked me for a favour.  She's having her first grandchild and asked if I could knit a sweater and hat for the baby to come.  She wants it for christmas of course :-P  How could I say no?

I found a pattern for the "baby surprise jacket" in my Elizabeth Zimmerman's Knitting Workshop book.  On Ravelry there are something like 1600 people who have done this pattern.  In the knitting podcast that I listen to (yeah I know how geeky that sounds but I don't care, ha ha), by Kelley Petkun of Knit Picks, highly recommends it.  She's done several of them over the years.  I even found some YouTube videos with tips and tricks to make more sense of the vague wording of the pattern.

So far I'm almost finished the first batch of decreases and I'll be onto the next stage of the sweater today.  I would have liked to have done stripes or a variegated yarn but she wanted plain jane so I guess I'll just have to make a second one for another bundle of joy somewhere down the road.  There are always more baby showers to go to right?

I used Bernat Satin Sport weight so it's super soft to the touch.  I wanted to avoid wool as I didn't know how they'd feel about that.  Some people are funny about wool.  I figured the washability was cool and you could throw it in the dryer without worry.  This line of yarn is a little fuzzy but I don't think it'll be an issue of wear for a baby as they grow so fast.  I hope they like it.

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