If it involves some kind of fibre chances are I've at least tried it. This blog follows my adventures in sewing, dying, weaving, spinning, knitting and the rest. The best way to learn is by doing, well actually from learning from other peoples' mistakes, but when that isn't available...
Please, learn from my escapades!

Friday 3 February 2012

Post holiday lull

So I can post all of my project results now that the holidays are past.
The Polish coat is completed and delivered.  He'll be trying it out at tonight's fencing practice.  I'll be crossing my fingers that it isn't too bulky and annoying.

My sister posted that she's using the gauntlets I made for her.  I can't imagine Edmonton being very toasty warm this time of year so I made these for her and she seemed to love them.

The girls seemed to like their stuff as well.  I chose three patterns from "Vampire Knits" a book I bought for the purpose.  A tourniquet scarf, a werewolf hat, and pulse protectors or palm readers or something for the gauntlets.  They all have cutsey names but the patterns aren't too bad.  I do want to make the beer covers with the blood type based on the True Blood series ;-)

I also made some stuff for my honey including some nalbind socks.

No rest for the wicked.  I"m off to the next project and the charity knitting.

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